Gaming4Guts 2023

Our 2023 campaign is live! You can use the QR code or you can check out our Tiltify page here. This page has both a donation link and an ability to create your own campaign to join us in December! All donations go to the Crohns Colitis Foundation!

Gaming4Guts Fundraiser 2022 – December 2nd to 4th

It is that time of year again! Here at Gaming4Guts, we are ramping up for our yearly fundraiser in December. This is year eight for this fundraiser. It has been going strong since 2014 and we look forward to streaming and raising awareness with everyone in December! More details about this year’s theme will be coming out soon so be sure to follow us on social media and sign up for our newsletter!

To sign up to support the campaign you can check out our profile on Tiltify here. You can sign up to host your own stream, donate or help share what we are doing here at Gaming4Guts!

We’re fighting IBD, one game at a time and we look forward to seeing all of you in December!

Move Night at Gaming4Guts

This year here at Gaming4Guts we decided to do more community-oriented activities for everyone in our Discord community to participate in. We were able to add a movie bot to the Discord server to be able to keep track of poll results and the movie list. Our first movie night this year took place back in February. The first movie we watched was The Fifth Element. Since then every month we run a poll on the Discord server for 48 hours on the first weekend of every month. During that time everyone gets an opportunity to vote on the poll, add movies to the list to be watched, and then the winner is announced. We host these movie nights on the fourth Saturday every month where the community gathers in the movie night Discord channel; watching the week’s newest movie trailers like a traditional theatre giving folks a little extra time to make it in to catch the show.

This month we are watching Willow. This event will take place on June 25th at 8:30 pm Eastern/5:30 pm Pacific time. If you can join us please do!

World IBD Day – #GameOverIBD

We are excited to announce that on May 14th we will be celebrating World IBD day by hosting streams all day on Twitch to raise awareness for Inflammatory Bowel Disease! World IBD Day this year is officially on March 19th but we decided to celebrate a little early due to World IBD Day falling during the week. This is when we determined that allows more people to be involved! If you are interesting in joining the Gaming4Guts crew on Tiltify please check out our campaign page here.

We’ve been wanting to do an event around World IBD Day for a few years now. We were finally able to get it done this year. We hope that next year we will give everyone a little more notice than we did this time. Life has just been very busy for all of the administrators over here at Gaming4Guts!

Another thing that is happening on World IBD Day is that the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation will be hosting a gaming event on Tiltify this year! You can find more information about this here on the CCF website. The Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation came up with an amazing hashtag for this years event: #GameOverIBD.

Thank you everyone for all of the support over the years. We look forward to seeing everyone’s fundraisers for World IBD Day!

Good Game Cowboy T-Shirts!

We have launched our Good Game Cowboy shirt today! These bad boys are available the next 15 days! The profits from this sale are going to Gaming4Guts to help with upkeep costs for the website and artwork. You can check out the t-shirts here.

Thank you everyone for being on this incredible journey with us. We could not do it without you.

See you space cowboy…

Good Game Cowboy Design Talk

Okay, with the Good Game Cowboy shirt launch going live in the next 12hrs, I thought I’d share a little bit of the process on how we got to the final design.


The gang at Gaming4Guts LOVES ‘Cowboy Bebop’ and have chatted about the subject numerous times. I was putting together the promo materials for Mart-Kos and my G4G show when I thought how neat it would be to actually design a shirt. A new challenge for me. Of course, as a no-brainer, ‘Cowboy Bebop’ would be the inspiration for the first design. I remembered seeing the block coloured theme throughout posters and ads for the anime. We decided that this colour block idea would be the theme. I started by building the framing for our images and it just happened to work out that Dylan had just completed brand new images of myself and Mark that were next level. So next level that they made the older G4G character art look almost unusable.

Original Design from July 2021

Some time after we received the new artwork from Dylan, finalising the look for our little group. I couldn’t wait to take these new designs into photoshop and work on finishing this passion project. After trying out a few variations and making some art changes, we had landed on something the group could be proud of. Being in the middle of putting together milestones for our charity event, we quickly decided to make a mystery tier that if unlocked would see us announcing to the world our desires to put out Gaming4Guts merch. Of course, we slammed through all of our milestones, overcoming our 10k goal due to an amazing group of people coming out to support another year of a charity that is so close to our hearts.

As in years previous, the event took most of the gang out of commission so the project would go quiet again but only for a short time. Before finalising the design details, the gang reconvened to discuss what we would name our campaign and how we would go about putting these out into the world and during this time, not only did we finalize all the shirt merch details but Mackenzie knocked out the start of our G4G website and launched our new quarterly newsletter! Together the group threw out several Cowboy Bebop themed end credit style names before landing on Good Game Cowboy which is essentially our version of the, ‘see you space cowboy.’ And with that,

Good Game Cowboy
– Brad [BC]

Welcome to Gaming4Guts!

Welcome to our new corner of the internet. Creating a landing page for Gaming4Guts has been an ambition of mine for over a year now and I was able to get that done this month. I had wanted to do it sooner but wanted to wait until our fundraiser in December was completed. On top of having a new website we also have a newsletter so be sure to sign up for that if you want to receive the latest news from us! We are hoping to send out a quarterly newsletter once we get them going.

Speaking of December, we raised $10,170 for the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation! This was a huge milestone for us because we have raised over $50,000 total since 2014 for the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation. We were so excited to hit that milestone this past year. We put a lot of hard work and effort into the December fundraiser so it was amazing to see it pay off!

We met all of our milestones for 2021! We still have a couple of them that we still need to complete. The t-shirts will be launching shortly and the money raised from this is going to come back to Gaming4Guts to help us pay for website upkeep and the yearly artwork that we have done every year. So far we’ve been paying for all of this out of pocket! Any help you can send our way would be greatly appreciated. I know that I am super excited to finally have a Gaming4Guts shirt. I have been wanting one for years!

Mark(Deo) will at some point be doing a 24 hour stream dressed as Fay Valentine from Cowboy Bebop. There have been some delays to this stream due to shipping delays for Mark’s outfit. We will be sure to keep everyone posted as to when it will happen. Now, all of the admin’s but Mackenzie(Slurms) have either done a Baby Metal stream before or have talked about doing one. This year they said that if we hit $10,000 that they would do it again! Since we hit that milestone there will be two different Baby Metal events. We are working on getting the details for those together so stay tuned. I will also be keeping purple streaks in my hair for all of 2022. I will check in periodically with how that is going once I get them in. My hair is currently still purple from December!

One of the reasons why we love doing this fundraiser so much in December is because it’s a fundraiser that we can participate in from the comfort of our own homes. If you have inflammatory bowel disease or know someone with it you know it can be hard to leave the house at times if they’re not doing well. It’s really nice to be able to do a fundraiser from the comfort of your own home. Gaming4Guts is open to everyone who is interested in participating. Stay tuned throughout the year and be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you can stay on top of when our yearly gamerthon streaming extravaganza is going to happen for 2022!
